DA 43 yr Woman
She was first
seen by the ONDAMED®
practitioner in January 2006.
She had had severe asthma since puberty. She needed to use her inhaler at least twice a day to manage the condition. She had also been on and off predninsone (a steroid) over the course of 7 years whenever her condition became worse.
The practitioner noted at the time of her visit that she did not look well. Her complexion was sallow and pale and she had dark circles under her eyes. She also had the appearance of being bloated (most probably from taking the prednisone). She complained of fatigue.
DA received one treatment per week for a total of 7 treatments. Interestingly, during some of the ONDAMED® sessions, she would feel as if she was on the verge of an asthma attack only for the feeling to again dissipate. One week after the 7th session DA told the practitioner that she had not had an asthma attack the whole week. That had not happened since her puberty! She had also said that the allergist she had seen was planning to put her back on predninsone because prior to receiving ONDAMED® treatment her condition had been getting worse. When she however had a follow-up visit with the allergist, he was surprised at how well she was doing and did not give the prescription for prednisone or anything else. Her energy improved dramatically with each session.
After the 7th treatment, DA saw the ONDAMED® practitioner one month later in March 2006 for an ONDAMED® treatment. She looked absolutely terrific. In her own words “she felt like a different person”. She had not used the inhaler for 5 whole weeks. Her energy was so much better that she was able to go back to work as a full time nurse. Prior to her ONDAMED® treatment she had only been able to work as a home aid nurse because her energy level was so poor.
She did not receive an ONDAMED® treatment again for another 3 months. She returned to the practitioner in June 2007 for a tune-up treatment, having not used the inhaler now for months. She has not since had a recurrence of her asthma.

PA 2 1/2 year-old boy Referred to an Ondamed practitioner with a diagnosis of Autism since 8 months.
He started ONDAMED® sessions in January 2006 and received one treatment per week.
The practitioner could treat him for 20 minutes at best each time because he wouldn't sit still nor would he let her touch him. She therefore had to rely on the pre-set programs rather than the patient-specific ones since she couldn't take his pulse.
PA wouldn't interact with any one; he wouldn't have any conversation and had very poor vocabulary. He was unable to sleep through the night.
Shortly after the 5th treatment his father, in a highly emotional state, came back with PA to see the practitioner. The practitioner was unable initially to determine whether it was anger or joy that moved him! He sat down and explained that his son would previously never go out unless he was in his stroller with its umbrella set blocking a part of his vision; it was the only way he felt secure outside. They had however been able to go for a walk in the park and out to lunch for the first time in this child's entire life! Normally, if they tried to take him to a restaurant he would scream and be very loud and they really couldn't keep him under control. So they had never been quite able to enjoy his company whenever it came to anything of a social nature.
They continued to receive ONDAMED® treatment once a week from January to June 2006 at which time they took a break for the summer, to resume treatment in September once every 2 weeks thereon. PA became able to sleep through the entire night and he developed a more positive attitude, his speech and vocabulary improved and as at February 2006 there was all-round noticeable improvement.
His end of year progress report from school in June 2007 showed 50% improvement in vocabulary and reading, and he was finally able to have small conversation with teachers, parents and others where he was unable to do so before. He now since June 2007 allows the ONDAMED® practitioner to touch him and feel his pulse so she is able to do more patient-specific protocols.
PA did not take any medication for autism though he had been following a gluten and dairy-free diet routine for a long time. He continues to improve with ONDAMED® and in the words of his parents and teachers "PA's personality is now finally coming out". He never got any DMSA for taking out mercury or indeed any other such detoxification treatment. The belief is that in view of his steady progress, he must have detoxified in the course of the ONDAMED® sessions.

Cancer (Breast)
Pain & Depression
Back Pain
ED: For close to 10 years I have had trouble with my back. I had various tests and x rays done and had been told that I had scoliosis. I was also told that my pelvis was slightly tilted and that I had trapped nerves in the lower back. This resulted in various levels of constant pain, necessitating the regular use of pain killers (Dicloflex and Co-Dydramol at such times as when the pain is at its worst. The doctors advised Valium at a point but I declined it, not wanting to take such strong drugs. I often preferred not to take any drugs at all, which meant having to live with the pain. I found this depressing and I experienced very low moods frequently. --------
In July 2008, my path led me to an Ondamed practitioner quite by accident really, because I had never heard of the treatment up until then. It was suggested that I tried it and, having nothing to lose (except hopefully my pain and mood swings), I decided to go for it. I had a first session on Tuesday 5th August and, not fully understanding the workings of the device as explained, I remained open to it, especially if it would mean me being pain free. I had, in any case, come to a dead end in trying to sort the problem so this was very welcome! --------
At my first session the machine was different from what I expected; I was a little nervous and fascinated by the play of numbers on the panel, the sounds from the device and all the while having my pulse monitored. I found that I could sense the various frequencies within me as a pulsating sensation just at the corner of my eyes. Also I felt a slight out of the body shifting feeling on and off. -------- By the end of the session I was surprised to find that I could hardly feel any pain, even though I’d been seated for over an hour. Usually sitting for long periods of time would surely cause me stiffness and worsen the pain. I also felt energised and in a much lighter mood than I had experienced for a long time.
I was left with 2 bottles of water into which had been input the same frequencies I had been treated with. This was necessary because it was not certain when (and if) my next session would take place since the practitioner lives in another part of the country from me. -------- A few days after my treatment I experienced a sudden kind of shift within me (while in animated conversation) like a double exposure on a photographic plate it was. I had not experienced such ever before and it struck me as being significant. This prompted me to do an impression (a drawing) of my ondamed treatment as I saw it within me (since I have some artistic talents).
VP is a 37-year old woman diagnosed with stage II Estrogen and Progesterone breast cancer on June 19th, 2007. Shortly after the diagnosis she received a left breast mastectomy (removal) and breast reconstruction. Twenty lymph nodes were removed and 2 were positive for cancer. She was prescribed Percoset to manage the pain from the surgery. She slipped into depression thereafter.
She had a lot of pain in her breast and also in the 19 inch incision that was in her abdomen where fat was removed for the breast reconstruction. In July 2007, VP started her chemotherapy treatment. It was recommended that she received Adriamycin plus Cytoxan every other week (4 treatments) followed by Taxol every other week for 4 treatments.
After her first round of chemotherapy VP was so fatigued she could barely make it to the office. She then decided on ONDAMED® treatment, just hoping that it would, at least, help lift her depression. She was still experiencing a lot of pain from the breast surgery and abdominal incision and still needed to take Percoset.
That first day of ONDAMED®, by the time she left the practitioner's office she had no more pain in her breast. Two hours later the pain in her incision had completely subsided. She simply could not believe it because she had gone in for her listlessness and depression, and had not thought that it would help the pain much.
Even then, she thought the pain would later recur, but to date VP remains pain free. The ONDAMED® treatment also made her tolerate the chemotherapy better. It helped her energy level so that she did not have to be bed ridden and could do her chores. She continues ONDAMED® treatment twice per week and makes sure she gets it immediately after receiving chemotherapy. VP also noticed that she no longer experienced depression after the 2nd to 3rd treatment and that she felt happier. She also reported that if she felt a sinus problem or cold coming on, by the end of the ONDAMED® treatment it would have subsided.
Today 10 days after the session I have only slight and occasional pains, nothing at all compared to what I have suffered for years now. I am much happier in my moods also and feel so much freer. To have back my freedom of movement without experiencing pain is wonderful; and after only one session of ondamed! Physically I know that something has happened within my body that has changed it much as I am free from the usual pains. Psychically the treatment has helped my moods also, I feel so much more balanced and at ease within my mind and thoughts. I have a second session now scheduled for a few days’ time.
East Midlands
Receptionist 2008-08-15