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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)  

LS is a 53-year old woman who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997. Her brain scan revealed 16 lesions. She had a previous scan in 1991 when her symptoms became severe which was probably misread because she was told it was normal but the specialist who performed the second brain scan was alarmed that it could have been misread because there was evidence of brain lesions at that time!

The physician prescribed weekly injections of Avanex which is the drug that is commonly used. Her symptoms included extreme dizziness affecting her balance, bouts of paraesthesia, inability to urinate and loss of bladder control. She was often in the emergency room and was hospitalised many times over the years when her symptoms became severe. During one hospitalisation in 1993, she had to be catheterised in order to be able to urinate for 5 weeks.

In 2000, she had a severe relapse. She experienced extreme exhaustion and had difficulty even stepping up a curb. She progressed to the point where she could barely walk and had to be hospitalised for a month during which she was, for a time, actually paralysed. She received Mitozantron and although she got better she remained unwell.

LS was told she had borderline progressive MS (multiple sclerosis) and that she would experience a deterioration of her condition over time. She had used a wheel chair whilst in hospital but was able to use the walker by the time she was discharged because she had improved somewhat. She was told to make her home wheel-chair-accessible. She was the executive director for the mental health association and could no longer continue her duties. She also experienced cot-visit dysfunction after this relapse and had difficulty swallowing.

In addition to Avanex, she was given intravenous immunoglobulin therapy between 2001 and 2003. By 2003 she was taking as much as 3,200mg per day of Neurontin (the maximum dose prescribeable) because she was experiencing severe painful neuropathy. She was still being hospitalised at least once a year and nothing she was doing was slowing down the progression of her condition. She was no longer able to work and her marriage became stressful. She needed to walk with a cane.

In March 2005, LS started receiving ONDAMED® treatment. She felt nothing immediately after the first treatment but that evening she, in her own exact words "felt an enormous psychological the jig saw puzzle that had been missing was finally put in place". She continued ONDAMED® treatment once a week and progressively improved.

In January 2006, she started 3 times a week. Her energy, cognitive functions and sense of well-being significantly improved. She was now able to run up the stairs in her home as her neuropathy improved. Later, she cut down her Neurontin dose to 100mg per day, no longer had neuropathy, slept better and her mobility completely normalised, enabling her to not only dispense with her cane but also to exercise.

As at September 2007, LS had stopped all the drugs apart from Avanex that she had been on for years. They included Provigil for extreme fatigue since 1998, Labetalol for hypertension and Verapamil for oesophageal spasms since 2000 and of course Neurontin, 3,200mg per day of which she took before she started ONDAMED® treatment.

Her physicians remain mystified at her progress because "this was not the way this was supposed to go according to her diagnosis"!













OS is a 49-year old chiropractor who had an acute pain in his left wrist in 2004. He had over worked it doing a lot of adjustments in his busy practice. The pain was so severe he had to stop practicing for 3 months and he hoped that with rest, ice and ultra sound it would get better. But it didn’t. And he actually was preparing to sell his practice because he had so much pain he wasn’t able to do adjustments anymore.

In July 2004, he received one ONDAMED® treatment and the protocol was going to be once a week until the pain went away. They expected to carry this on for a couple of months. He woke up the next morning and found the pain was completely gone. He immediately went back to work and has not experienced any pain in the wrist since that one treatment.

OS told his friend AD, also a 49-year old and a conventional medicine physician who specializes in adolescent medicine about his experience with ONDAMED®. AD did not believe him and actually thought he could not possibly be serious. “Common!” he said, “One treatment and your pain went away?...Please…!!!”. He however booked an appointment and visited the ONDAMED® practitioner.

AD gave the practitioner a hard time! He refused to give any information saying: “Listen, I don’t believe in this energy medicine stuff. I need to see it with my own eyes. There’s only one thing wrong with me. Alright, you go find it”.


AD was speechless when, after he was scanned, the machine revealed problems in the right and left upper jaws and in the left knee. He said he had completely forgotten that he had had wisdom teeth removed from his right and left upper jaws 2 weeks earlier and the one thing he had gone in thinking about was the left knee that had been such a big headache. He had had a left torn medial meniscus for ten years that was catching up with him. The pain was excruciating and he had done everything possible to avoid surgery. He is a physician and you name it, he had done it – just to avoid surgery. But the pain had become unmanageable and finally, he had had to have surgery scheduled.

AD received ONDAMED® treatment to his left knee and was scheduled for one session each week. By the second treatment, he experienced noticeably less pain. After the fourth treatment, the pain was completely gone. He cancelled the surgery.

We know that he had bone rubbing on bone with the torn medial meniscus and he was convinced that the ONDAMED® therapy he had received must have regenerated cartilage. He remains pain free till today.

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MM is a 36 year old woman who was, in May 2006, experiencing severe right and left calf muscle pains after a night out running. She herself explained that the injury was most probably due to the fact that she did not warm up enough before her session and must have pulled muscles in both legs to the point of hardly being able to walk.  Immediately after receiving one ONDAMED® treatment the day after the injury, MM was 50% better and able to walk again. Within one hour of this single treatment she was completely pain free. The issue has not recurred since then.

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