Case Studies: PAIN
FH 67 yr Woman Diagnosed with Neuropathy: Feet and Lower Extremities
She suffered from burning feet and toes and could not walk well. FH was also experiencing severe, unrelenting pain from sciatica and intermittent claudication since February 2008 as well. She had tried numerous medications with the neurologist for all these issues but nothing helped and she did not improve. She also has a history of type 2 diabetes for several years. Amaryl was added about one year ago to help get her blood sugar under control. FH presently is working on getting off the medication with diet and supplements. Because of the pain from the neuropathy, sciatica and intermittent claudication she was unable to sleep, lie down (she would sleep on a recliner padded with pillows) or walk. She could stand for only short periods of time because of the pain. Her quality of life was poor and nothing she tried was able to substantially diminish the pain. She felt as thought she was going to die.
Her first Ondamed treatment was on 5/24/08 with a physician who was trained to use the device. She could hardly walk into the doctor’s office and required assistance. Immediately after treatment she could lift her leg without pain. This was the first time she experienced any relief of her pain.
During the next visit on 5/30/08 she reported that she felt much better the first two days after treatment. It was the first time she could sleep without pain and without getting up. Some of the pain came back but it was substantially less severe. She was able to walk without assistance.
Her next visit was on 6/6/08. She reported that she felt better and was consistently sleeping better. She had a better range of motion and had substantially less pain. She was able to walk and would find that she was experiencing mild discomfort at times. The practitioner noted that she actually looked happy and was smiling in contrast to her first visit when she had severe pain.
On 6/12/08 FH received another Ondamed treatment and reported that she was still doing well and was overjoyed that she finally found relief from the pain she had been experiencing. She was still sleeping better and experienced very little discomfort. She was able to walk and get around by herself which dramatically improved her quality of life. She told the receptionist, “ I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t find the doctor and get this treatment.”
FH continued Ondamed treatment once per week for a total of 10 weeks. She sleeps through the entire night and no longer experiences any pain. She finally has a feeling of well-being. If she starts to feel any discomfort or diminished well-being she will seek Ondamed treatment immediately. In her own words,” I am so much better now. I no longer feel as if my whole body is in pain. This is wonderful! Each Ondamed treatment leaves me with a marvelous feeling of well-being and a greatly improved quality of life. Practitioner: A.G. Patel, M.D.)