Patient 57 yr Woman:
Long history of Lupus w/ Complications of Osteoporosis, Reynaud Syndrome and Gangrene of the toes and foot. She has lost one toe on her right foot to gangrene.
Her cardiologist gave her (4) weeks to see improvement in her feet before amputation surgery.
The vascular surgeon wanted to amputate immediately.......
She saw Dr. Work on March 11, 2011, he wanted her to try Ondamed for (3) months, 3x's a week to see if the circulation to her feet would improve.

Plantar Fasciitis
KK is a 57-year old woman diagnosed in January 2007 with Plantar Fasciitis, an extremely painful condition of the foot for which practically nothing works. She had taken a trip to Europe for 5 weeks in which she did a lot of walking that had exacerbated the pain. KK weighs 5 stone 255 Ibs and so had all this weight to bear on her foot, making it so painful that she could barely walk.
She tried anti-inflammatory drugs and became so constipated she couldn’t sleep. She used Ultra sound and ice, and although it helped somewhat, she still had so much difficulty walking. She eliminated a number of items (night shakes for one) from her diet, following advice from some dietary book called ‘Stop Inflammation Now’; and although the pain and inflammation were reduced to some extent, it was not to any remarkable degree. On account of the persistent pain, KK became depressed because nothing seemed to be able to help her.
She took a first ONDAMED® treatment in February, 2007, getting one session per week. After the first three treatments, her attitude changed. Her depression lifted, she had more energy and her pain was noticeably less. In March, she stepped up the treatment to 4 treatments in 10 days (about 2 per week) and by the 4th treatment, she was able to hobble up the stairs to her practitioner’s office. After the 4th treatment, she could walk normally for the first time since her condition started, her pain being significantly less.
KK is now able to walk normally and to exercise without the debilitating pain she had before. She lives a full and active was completely pain free. The issue has not recurred since then.