Before Odamed

After 3 Sessions

AA is a 38-year old woman diagnosed with Pituitary Tumor
(never confirmed using MRI)
AA suffered from severe pain in both breasts combined with lactating breasts for 14 years after birth of her child. Painful and inflamed for 14 years she was prescribed Parlodel for probable Pituitary Cancer.
Individual frequencies & programs for were applied in the area of pain for 12 minutes each. Right after completing the two pain programs, AA noticed the pain had dramatically reduced when she touched her breasts. AA's second visit was 2 weeks later where she confirmed soreness in both breasts as well as milk discharge had reduced.
After 3rd Ondamed session no longer expressing milk from right breast. Thermography images shows before & after. A follow up report w/ her Endocrinologist read normal: 24.7 for Prolactin production, (under 30 is normal). Parlodel usage was discontinued. The feedback control from Pituitary was normalized for prolactin release.
“ONDAMED is one of the finest German inventions. It allows easy and effective analysis and therapeutic application.
My clinic is considered to be one of the leading institutes for treating acute and chronic diseases. ONDAMED has proven to be an indispensable tool.”
Wolf-Dieter Kessler M.D. PhD., has been a physician for over 36 years. He was part of the lung transplant team at Montefiore Hospital in New York performing mainly electron-microscopical research on both human and canine transplanted lungs.