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Pleural  Effusion 

"I had recently undergone triple bypass open heart surgery and was suffering from fluid around my left lung, known as pleural effusion, and this seemed to be getting worse.  


Silvia asked if she could treat me with ONDAMED and I agreed.  I had  a 20-minute treatment on two consecutive days and after the second treatment I could take a deep breath for the first time in months.  


A few weeks later I had  a scan of my lungs that showed that the pleural effusion had decreased significantly to the point that the radiologist thought I had undergone thoracocentesis (i.e. drainage).  

Below are my x-rays"

Ondamed Triple ByPass Surgery2018_09_06-

Dr. Magda Havas received her B.Sc. in Biology and PhD in Environmental Toxicology at the University of Toronto.  Her PhD was in the Canadian Arctic at the Smoking Hills, along the coast of Cape Bathurst.  This is an area of natural acidification and is among the most acidic sites on the planet.  At this site the research team, lead by Dr. Tom Hutchinson, studied the effects of extreme and long-term acidification and metal pollution.  The team studied how certain organisms were able to adapt to the toxic conditions and how others were sensitive and died.  She then spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University. Her research at this time was on acid rain and aluminum effects on aquatic ecosystems and more specifically on aquatic invertebrates

This research is published and available for a free download here.

Havas, M.  2017.  Case Study: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy Relieves Pleural Effusion Following Open Heart Surgery. Journal of Complementary Medicine & Alternative Healthcare 2(3): 2 pp.

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