Cellular Communication
Every single cell in the body communicates via electromagnetic fields, consisting of waves of frequencies that are oscillating like musical instruments in a orchestra. In order to process these instantaneous exchanges – and sustain optimum health – cellular communications must be fluid, precise and synchronized. When these critical communications are disrupted or blocked, the body’s cells, tissues and organs may be compromised and unhealthy conditions and their symptoms follow.
Cells are constantly checking in with their neighbors, healthy cells surrounding a sick cell can usually work overtime and help the sick cell recover. This adaptation and resiliency is something we expect of a healthy cell. But sometimes a cell cannot perform its regenerative functions and gets “stuck” in a state of being unwell. A chaotic oscillating wave pattern that is entrenched thus altering communication and compromising the energy field of the whole (body). Corrections made in the field optimize tissue function.
The basic functions required of all cells include ATP production (cellular energy), nutrient absorption, waste removal, and regeneration, in addition to performance of predetermined functions based on the cell’s type and location in the body.
A great deal of this action and communication occurs at the cell membrane, which connects directly to the nucleus of the cell. Cells normally go through at least 7,000 chemical reactions per second, which is an indication of the complex and continuous process involved in adaptation. This level of complexity is beyond simple biochemistry.
It is important that the cell membrane maintain an appropriate “charge” or voltage. A healthy cell has a trans-membrane potential of about 80 or 100 millivolts. A diseased cell, for comparison, can have a trans-membrane potential often as low as 20 or 25 millivolts. When a cell becomes sick, the voltage of the membrane drops, causing an increased voltage in the interior of the cell. When the membrane voltage is low, the membrane channels can’t function properly.
Cellular communication is critical to the body’s adaptation, regulation and healing processes which help to maintain overall health and deal with the causes and symptoms of cell deterioration and disease.
Each person’s metabolic processes and adaptive mechanisms are governed by both internal and external pacers. Internal (endogenous) pacers are natural within the body and provide biochemical reactions that are in rhythm with each other. External (exogenous) pacers, like geomagnetic fields, solar flares, WiFi (and yes, PEMF therapy) affect the internal pacers. Normally, cells communicate via "coherent signals" that ensure accurate data transfer at a relatively low level of energy.
Optimally, these intra-cellular signals remain methodical and efficient so that organisms can maintain order and integrity. Similar to musical notes in harmony.
Another important characteristic of the inner pacers is synchronicity, which allows larger biological units (like organs) to organize the activity of their cells in a coordinated fashion – all for one and one for all.
Achieving consistent communication between cells is dependent on the cell membrane’s ability to detect and facilitate “handshakes” between it and fluctuating electromagnetic fields.

The Body Heals Itself
Regeneration is one of the most Remarkable of All Cellular Functions.
Regeneration and wound healing require a great deal of cellular communication and adaptation to take place. In the case of eyes, for example, cells expand and eat up old matter daily. Bones are “new” every seven to ten years. Non-injured skin is completely replaced every two weeks or so. Cell turnover slows as we age, but never stops completely, continuing until death.
People with Chronic Illness suffer with Chronic Cellular Fatigue
7 Cellular Benefits of Ondamed:
1. Recharge the Trans- Membrane Potential (TMP)
2. Increase ATP production
3. Enhance Sodium - Potassium Pump
4. Increase Cellular PH - Cells & Body more Alkaline
5. Improve Oxygen uptake & Assimilation
6. Lower Blood Viscosity & Improve Circulation
7. Improved Electroportation -
Nutrient Transport & Elimination